Wednesday, April 1, 2009


A few weeks ago, Mark and Maigari, after what was surely a long night of binge drinking and heated arguments over who had the better soccer jukes (when I replay the night in my head, the soundtrack from Rudy is playing in the background), convinced themselves that their best days on the field were not yet behind them, and that the dream of being carried off the field in victory could still be realized.

Out of the drunken, competitive haze of that night - a sport was born. That sport was Mancathlon. The details are quite simple. Each competitor picks three sports - (players agree on 12 total) - to be played over the course of two weekends. While the scoring system and sporting events are still being negotiated, highest point tally at the end wins.

This site is meant to chronicle Mancathlon over the coming weeks ahead, and be a repository for trash talking and the running score tally, henceforth known as The ManBoard.

We all know the stakes.
Lets get it on!

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